A life in art
I was born in Odessa
I have been drawing since childhood, but I entered art school at the age of 11. After that, it seemed to me that drawing was boring and not interesting, and I left school a year later. but my mother, apparently, believed in my artistic destiny, and asked me to try again with another teacher. This time it was love at first sight, I fell in love with my creative teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna. With her, we painted by candlelight, when the lights were turned off, baked potatoes in an antique fireplace, she managed to turn our material poverty into spiritual wealth. In the same place, my friend and I won the international children's book competition, one and the second, where I fell in love with painting for real.
Then there was an art school, according to the established tradition, the teacher was not lucky right away, in the second year she moved to another group, and again - bingo, she did not lose. Valery Vasilievich was strict, but fair, he brought us up in the harsh traditions of Chistyakov, I had a lot of competition in my group. Drawing, painting, composition everything was academic and systematic. When I was still in my 4th year of college, I had my first exhibition with my parents, my mother sculpted small funny sculptures from village life, my stepfather was a sculptor.
Later, with my future husband, also a painter, we had the first personal exhibition, I was 20 years old, since then we have tried regularly, every 2 years, to show the world our works.
Already at that time, I realized that most of all I like to draw people - portraits, and genre compositions. People have always been interesting to me, I thought about becoming a psychologist, I still think, maybe, to master this profession.
Painting first of all gives me happiness to see, and of course to show other people how I see the world around me, what I dream about, and what I dream about, you can say my slogan is to give beauty.
I think
I think that the language of painting - drawing, a sense of color, tone, needs to be developed all my life, because this is my language of creativity, it is needed to convey my ideas to the viewer. It seems to me that the artist is also developing other types of art, it's like looking at something from another point of view. I dance, I used to sing.
Understanding myself
An integral part of my life is travel, they help to better understand myself, my tastes, communication with people of other cultures pushes the boundaries, which, in my opinion, is necessary for an artist.
It is also very interesting that some countries become native, as if you already knew them once, and now you have returned., My landscapes are a travel diary, they are small, because I write them from life, and I carry them in a suitcase. I write from nature, not because I think that using photography is a sin, but because living nature gives much more emotions, information, and color. Although if I really liked something, and there is no way to paint a big picture, I paint a color study, and photography helps to restore the necessary details in order to reproduce the impression.
I belive
I believe that every person who has achieved something in any area should share his knowledge, I also teach painting. I like multi-layered paintings that are interesting to look at, such works give off their energy for a very long time, they are like stones, which, as I believe, are alive, they just have a slow life. In real painting you always find something new.